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Local causes of erectile dysfunction and impotenceThe origin of the factors that produce such dysfunction is different, but they all lead to a sclerosis of the corpora cavernosa . Furthermore , the thin layer of elastic tissue of the corpora cavernosa is replaced by another hard layer of connective tissue which is not able to guarantee an erection. All this can be due to injury to the penis, multiple injections into the penis , priapism ( prolonged and painful erection not associated with sexual arousal ) . In addition, the sclerosis of the corpora cavernosa can be caused by frequent practice of sexual acts restrained , when the man , in order to give all the costs to their partner the most pleasure , try to delay ejaculation . This practice can not be considered favorable from different points of view, including the harmful effects on the tissues of the penis.Sclerosis of the corpora cavernosa is an unfavorable prognostic feature in case of erectile dysfunction. If the fact of MS is shown during the diagnostic examination , the patient is not nothing but undergo a specific treatment for impotence or a penile implant surgery .

Causes of erectile dysfunction medicationsThere are different types of medications that can cause a negative effect on erectile function of the male body . Hormonal drugs that block the action of male sex hormones (so-called anti- androgens) and medications containing female hormones cause serious problems erection, causing damage to the entire hormonal mechanism . Such drugs are usually prescribed only for very serious diseases , including prostate cancer . In this case , physicians are based on the principle to extend as much as possible and make life easier for the patient , instead of thinking to another .However, cases are known when antiandrogens with a high share (in other words , also called " drugs of castration " ) , were prescribed by a doctor "good" to patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (better known as an adenoma) .

Needless to deny their safe action , but all men are terrified by the fact of not being up in the sexual field . Fortunately, erectile function was restored quickly after discontinuation of medication.Other drugs affecting erection -inhibiting substances are all those who have oppressive effect on the cerebral cortex . These are mainly alcohol and narcotic drugs , which in addition to the effects on the brain causing a general impoverishment of the organism. Obviously this does not favor the erectile function in general or reproductive function in particular. In these cases , to restore the functions of regular erection should not only cancel the drug , but also spend an appropriate period of convalescence.Furthermore, there are certain drugs which , according to the pharmacological classification , are part of a variety of groups of drugs with the ability to block the peripheral nerve endings responsible for the erection.

Who knows, for example, antihistamines , represented by the most well-known drug " diphenhydramine " , for this reason should not be taken for more than 10 days in a row ?

If you have a regular erection is not indifferent to you , ask your doctor information about any medication prescribed to be sure that it does not cause the disorders listed above. Below we present a selection of various substances and drugs that can affect erectile function.The substances that act on the central nervous system:Alcohol, chlorpromazine , amitriptyline , Arrametidin , Barbiturates , Haloperidol , Hydroxyzine , Glutethimide , Guanethidine , Debrizokvin , doxepin, imipramine , Cannabis , Mebanazine , Methadone , Morphine, Protriptyline , salts of lithium , thioridazine , Tranylcypromine , Fenamina , Fenossibenzamina , Fluphenazine , Hlomipramin .Antihypertensive substances :Clonidine, Clofibrate , reserpine .Substances affecting the synapse :Anapryline , Anticholinergic drugs , Phentolamine .Hormonally active substances :Anti-androgens , estrogens , antihistamines , diphenhydramine , suprastin .Miscellaneous :Antiparkinsonian drugs , digoxin , indomethacin , thiazide diuretics , cimetidine .Neurological causes of impotence and erectile dysfunctionNeurological cause of erectile dysfunction can be also the occurrence of one of the following diseases : epilepsy , Parkinson's disease , multiple sclerosis , brain trauma and spinal cord , the small pelvis and perineum , interventions of various nature in these areas . Usually, other manifestations of the disease are so serious and grave , that erection problems are put into the background.

However , serious disorders of erectile function as a result of surgery or trauma often become a serious problem. Unfortunately, even in these cases the possibilities of modern medicine leave much to be desired, it is a rare case when these patients can be helped in a different way from the one to undergo a penile implant .

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